MacWorld 2008 Rumors

I can't wait.

Macworld is fast approaching, so here’s a rumor round up plus a bit of speculation as to what’s going to transpire in January.

HardMac predicts 10.5.2, a new Mac Pro, and Blu-Ray burners.

Computerworld reiterates the persistent rumor of an “ultra-light” Mac notebook. Price point is $1500, LED-backlit 13.3 inch screen, 50% lighter than current notebooks, and a thinner form factor due to flash memory for storage. There will be no hard drive or optical drive.

Apple Insider speculates a 3G iPhone by the middle of 2008. The beans were spilt on this one by AT&T themselves a few days ago.

Apple Gazette has eight predictions: iTunes update, AppleTV update, the strongest holiday season ever, updated Mac Books, No iTablet, iPhone and iTouch software updates, iPhone SDK, Mac Nano.

I spent a couple of decades on the road. So, the ultra-light Mac notebook is most interesting. The rumored price is astounding considering that most companies upcharge a premium on their smallest computers.

Posted: Fri - December 21, 2007 at 06:55 AM