Cloned monkey embryos

Which can lead to cloned human embryos. I hope.

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Oregon researchers revealed Wednesday that they have successfully cloned embryos of rhesus monkeys and made stem cells from them that could be transformed into heart and nerve tissue - a laboratory milestone that could pave the way for similar work in human beings.

Until now, however, the research had not produced a cloned monkey embryo that did more than divide a few cycles before dying. This year, for the first time, the Oregon team created monkey embryos rugged enough to produce stem cells - the mark of a successful clone.

Having cleared the hurdle of cloning a functioning primate embryo, the path is now open once again for cloning of human embryos. People are primates, too.

These researchers aren’t wasting time worrying over being struck down by lightning or locusts. We can leave that up to the superstitious gits who whine full-time about any science newer than Galileo.

Come to think of it - they whined about him, too.

Posted: Thu - November 15, 2007 at 07:55 AM