10 New Secret Questions

10 New Secret Questions

Have you ever wondered why the “secret questions” on everything from your bank account to email account all have a certain bland quality to them? Where were you born? What was your first school? Bo-ring.

We think it’s time for question writers to get a creative and come up with some more contemporary queries. We are seeding with 10 suggestions:

* How many stock options do you have? (How many are worth anything?)
* Who was your first online date? (Which service was it through?)
* What is your World of Warcraft name?
* What was the name of your first startup?
* What is your Facebook username?
* What was your first email address?
* What is your Google Page rank?
* When was the first time (year) you used Google?
* How many IM accounts do you have?
* When was the last time you went out on a date?

Some of these certainly sound like my readers. I wonder what questions you would come up with?

Posted: Mon - October 15, 2007 at 06:58 AM