Halo 3 Report: Bungie Studios to Microsoft: “You Suck! We Quit!”

It’s unlikely that any official confirmation or denial of Bungie’s split from Microsoft will appear before the end of the week. But -

According to an email received by the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Microsoft has released Bungie Studios from its ownership. The deal is apparently done, but Microsoft wishes to hold the public announcement until after October 6 for the protection of quarterly financial results.

The email reads: “Apparently MS just wants Bungie to make Halo for the rest of their natural days, and Bungie doesn’t like how MS is constantly trying to “handle” everything they do; the way they market their games, the way they interact with their fans (basically the fact that they do appreciate their fans), and how stingie [sic] they are with the profits (comparable to the rest of the industry). So as of today they are their own independent entity.”

It’s unlikely that any official confirmation or denial of Bungie’s split from Microsoft will appear before the end of the week. The only thing certain right now is that the door locks on Bungie’s offices in Kirkland, WA have all been changed – perhaps as a sign of a change in ownership.

I can assure you that is is a disaster if Microsoft cannot mend this fence.

Posted: Wed - October 3, 2007 at 11:32 AM