Eta Carinae

A delight from the CalTech folks and the Spitzer telescope.

Click here for a larger image

Every week, I take a few minutes to wander through iTunes video podcasts to see what’s been added. Especially in 16×9 format for HD TV sets.

Last night, I noticed a new listing [with several vidcasts already in place] for the Spitzer Telescope. I subscribed and downloaded them all. After supper, my wife and I tend to watch whatever’s waiting on the AppleTV before moving on to the DVR - and what a delight was waiting from the CalTech folks and Spitzer.

This was our favorite. Right-click and download or left-click to play - and enjoy some fine Ken Burns editing and incredible images. The .m4v file size is just over 54mb for just under 2 minutes of video.

Posted: Fri - September 21, 2007 at 06:19 AM