It’s not his sweat, it’s your nose

When it comes to a man’s body odor, the fragrance — or stench — is in the nose of the beholder.

When it comes to a man’s body odor, the fragrance — or stench — is in the nose of the beholder, according to U.S. researchers who suggest a single gene may determine how people perceive body odor.

“This is the first time that any human odorant receptor is associated with how we experience odors,” Hiroaki Matsunami of Duke University

Research focused on the chemical androstenone. How you perceive smell appears to have a lot to do with variations in one odor receptor gene.

What they found is slight genetic variations determine whether androstenone has a pungent smell, a sweet, vanilla-like smell or no smell at all.

How this affects human social and sexual behavior will be the next part of this study. Of course.

Posted: Wed - September 19, 2007 at 05:43 AM