Frankfort Auto Show

Folks at do their expected terrific and occasionally cranky job of covering one of the better auto shows.

Folks at do their expected terrific and occasionally cranky job of covering one of the better auto shows.

Lots of new technology on offer - most often within the definition of Concept Car - which in the case of Euro manufacturers often means just around the corner. Everything is going Green - in Europe - which means newer, smarter diesels along with hybrid variants starting to challenge diesel predominance.

As usual, don’t count on these goodies ever seeing our side of the pond. Most of the world’s auto manufacturers think Americans will never get it.

Here’s a couple of samples - starting with the not-so-Green:

Aston Martin Vantage N400

Suzuki Kazashi

Volkswagen up! Engine back in the back

Posted: Wed - September 12, 2007 at 06:47 AM