Apple rumored to be in talks with Volkswagen over “iCar”

Apple rumored to be in talks with Volkswagen over “iCar”

Apple could be collaborating with German car maker Volkswagen over an “iCar,” according to the Financial Times Deutschland. A Volkswagen representative confirmed to the German-language paper that talks were at an “early stage,” and that Steve Jobs met with VW CEO Martin Winterkorn several days ago to discuss the concept further. As of right now, the Financial Times says that there are no concrete plans, although it says that VW is planning a new subcompact car that would ring up for under $10k.

Our take? Apple and Volkswagen have always had a friendly relationship, and many VW cars already come equipped with iPod-compatible connectors. It’s probable that the talks between Jobs and Winterkorn are merely to go over extensions to that particular partnership—VW could be working on further iPod integrations in its cars, or newfangled iPhone integration.

Or, you know, the two could be working on an iCar.

Or the iPod and iPhone hookups already in Audis are working their way down to the masses.

On the other hand, car geeks are grumbling that they discovered this project months ago - and it wasn’t picked up by the media or bloggers as a big deal.

Spy photo. Car geeks are crazy about “spy photos”

Posted: Thu - August 30, 2007 at 06:10 AM