“White Space Coalition” provides FCC with devices to prove their case. They turn out to suck! Maybe.

Dell, Earthlink, Google, HP, Intel, Microsoft and Philips got together to create a prototype “white space” device...

Microsoft-Google-Dell-HP-Intel-blah, blah, blah

If you’ve been listening to John Dvorak’s Tech5 podcast [as you should], you’ve heard the beginnings of his analysis of this coalition and their project - and their testing with the FCC. I just hunted up the hardware.

When Dell, Earthlink, Google, HP, Intel, Microsoft and Philips got together to create a prototype “white space” device—that is, a box capable of two-way high-bandwidth wireless communication in the frequencies now occupied by analog TV signal—you would have thought the combined muscle would ensure success. But the White Spaces Coalition has failed its first test with the FCC, with two prototypes that don’t seem to know [their ass] an occupied channel from [their elbow] an empty one.

If you’re feeling geeky enough, the .pdf of the tests, etc. is over here.

Posted: Wed - August 15, 2007 at 09:00 AM