Another nail in Linux lawsuit coffin

Judge Dale A. Kimball eviscerated SCO’s claims that it owns the copyright to Unix.

In a 102-page ruling, Judge Dale A. Kimball eviscerated SCO’s claims that it owns the copyright to Unix.

The ruling, which named Novell as the owner of the Unix and Unixware copyrights, could make SCO give up its four-year effort to extract royalties from Linux providers. Novell acquired Unix from AT&T in 1995.

Both Microsoft and Sun paid SCO for licenses related to the Unix copyright claims in 2003.

In the most recent quarterly earning announcement, McBride said: “Even though competition continues to impact our revenue, we are pleased that our legal costs and operating expenses are lower than the comparable prior periods which improved our financial results. We are committed to our strategy of serving our UNIX customers, developing innovative new mobile technologies and protecting our valuable intellectual property.”

The stock price closed at $1.49 on Friday.

Is there anyone out there who has something resembling confidence in - or respect for - SCO?

Posted: Sun - August 12, 2007 at 11:21 AM