Steve Jobs tops magazine’s list of online music “Powergeeks”

Steve Jobs was crowned the undisputed king of the online music revolution by U.S. music magazine Blender.

Steve Jobs, the father of the iPod, was crowned the undisputed king of the online music revolution by U.S. music magazine Blender.

“Music fans spend much of their day, if not their life, sitting in front of their computer, discovering and downloading music,” Blender’s editor-in-chief Craig Marks said in a statement.

“Today’s power brokers no longer work in the steel-and-glass towers of the traditional record business; instead, they’re tech geeks, bedroom bloggers and Silicon Valley visionaries.”

“The iTunes Store and the iPod have done more to change the way people listen to music than anything since the CD, and maybe since the sound recording,” Marks said.

Click the link and read through the Top Ten List. Yes, most lists of this type are crap; but, at least I’ve heard of everyone on this list.

Posted: Wed - July 18, 2007 at 07:44 AM