Vista plodding along six months after release

Nearly six months after it launched, gripes over what doesn’t work with Vista continue.

Chris Pirillo leaned away from his webcam and pointed to his printer/scanner/fax machine, which stopped scanning and faxing after he installed Microsoft Corp.’s new Windows Vista operating system.

“I can’t live in Vista if the software that I use in my life for productivity does not work,” said Pirillo, in the third minute of a 52-minute video he posted on YouTube.

Nearly six months after it launched, gripes over what doesn’t work with Vista continue, eclipsing positive buzz over the program’s improved desktop search, graphics and security.

Pirillo is geekier than the average user. He runs a network of technology blogs called Lockergnome, and was one of several “Windows enthusiasts” Microsoft asked for Vista feedback early on.

Still, Vista tested even Pirillo’s savvy. He fixed the hobbled printer and other problems by installing VMware, a program that lets him run XP within Vista. But when his trial copy expired, he decided the solution was too clunky — and too expensive.

He “upgraded,” as he called it, back to XP.

I admit it. I read through this piece because Chris Pirillo is featured. Always liked what he did at Tech TV.

Everything else is pretty much what I expected from Microsoft. And that’s just sad. Because I think they’re capable of better.

Posted: Tue - July 17, 2007 at 09:03 AM