Does Apple plan to introduce a Nano-based iPhone — in time for Xmas?

Apple Inc. plans to launch a cheaper version of the iPhone...

Apple Inc. plans to launch a cheaper version of the iPhone in the fourth quarter that could be based on the ultra-slim iPod Nano music player, according to a JP Morgan report. Kevin Chang, a JP Morgan analyst based in Taiwan, cited people in the supply channel he did not name and an application with the U.S Patent and Trademark office.

Chang said a way to follow up the iPhone with a cheaper version would be to convert the Nano into a phone and price it at $300 or lower.

Another analyst Gene Munster of Piper Jaffray said he expects Apple to bring out iPods that resemble iPhone. “We believe the iPhone reveals much of what the iPod will soon be.”

If design engineers can come up with appropriate product - the sales projections in the article may be reasonable. And it all fits in with Steve Jobs’ decision to turn Apple Computer into Apple, Inc.

Posted: Tue - July 10, 2007 at 07:07 AM