Who says cybersquatting doesn’t pay?

Apple has bought IPhone.com from Michael Kovatch.

iPhone.com used to look like this

I can confirm Apple has bought iPhone.com from Michael Kovatch. Michael would not disclose the sale prices but he said it was well worth it to sell. I know this was at least a million dollar sale.

Michael started an ISP in 1993 and was in the right place at the right time. He knew the Internet would allow telephone calls one day and that is why he registered IPhone.com. Little did he know the 12 years later - Apple would reveal a product with his name and all this would make him an instant Millionaire.

His seven digit sale goes down in History as one of the biggest sales for a domain name.

Not really cybersquatting, of course. The dude has been trying to build a business with the site for a while. But, becoming an instant millionaire ain’t bad.

Posted: Tue - July 3, 2007 at 09:50 AM