Nintendo introduces WiiWare

Nintendo today announced a new indie developer platform for its widely successful Wii console, likely to launch inearly 2008.

So, are Wii Indies called Windies?

Nintendo today announced a new indie developer platform for its widely successful Wii console, likely to launch inearly 2008. Dubbed WiiWare, the service is said to enable developers to create smallish, new games via download on the motion-controlled system.

Nintendo president Reggie Fils-Aime said in a press statement. “Independent developers armed with small budgets and big ideas will be able to get their original games into the marketplace,” he added. Details about the upcoming projects and prices have yet to be determined.

The news is significant for several reasons. First, it reminds us that you don’t need the most technically advanced product to build a loyal community; only one that interests people. As a result, Nintendo will now be able to create a new sub-economy of users on top of its existing 8.5 million Wii base. Second, it shows that Nintendo appreciates the current trend of nano-type projects like MySpace Widgets, Facebook Apps, and any other company that sells to a community of a million plus members.

As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not a gamer. But, it surely is fun watching a company that knows how to market and sell.

Posted: Wed - June 27, 2007 at 01:29 PM