Microsoft claims Mystery Men are there to prevent piracy

Microsoft Corp. has clarified the identity of the mysterious trio on the installation disks for the business version of Windows Vista.

Click photo to see the whole progression

Microsoft Corp. has clarified the identity of the mysterious trio on the installation disks for the business version of Windows Vista.

And no, you can’t play the installation DVDs backwards and hear the devil talking, either.

The tiny photo of three grinning men — less than 1 mm in size — is one of several images incorporated into the hologram’s design intended to make it harder to replicate a Vista DVD, according to Nick White on Microsoft’s Vista team blog.

The men in the photo worked on the team that designed the hologram. The disks also have images of art works now in the public domain. Magnification is required to see the images.

Shucks. I really liked the Easter Egg theory. Can’t Redmond programmers have fun, anymore?

Posted: Fri - June 15, 2007 at 06:20 AM