5 ways iPhone will change the wireless biz

We’ve had discussions of the iPhone as a product of computing and as an Apple phenomenon [whatever that means?]. This article examines how the iPhone might affect wireless Telcos.

We’ve had discussions of the iPhone as a product of computing and as an Apple phenomenon [whatever that means?]. This article examines how the iPhone might affect wireless Telcos.

Steve Jobs’ WWDC keynote, demo of upcoming Leopard and Safari for Windows may have generated a lot of oohs and ahhs, but it was towards the end that His Jobness revealed the game plan to irreversibly change the world of wireless.

“I am certain that the mobile telecoms world will count its time in two Eras. The Era BI: time Before the iPhone, and the ERA AI: time After the iPhone,” writes Tomi T Ahonen…who believes that even media business should be very very worried about iPhone.

The 5 points Om Malik discusses in his article:

A true web applications platform for the mobile

Break the Wireless Walled Gardens

Shift of control to the customers

Slow demise of subsidized, boring phones filled with bloat ware

Keep it simple or else

Om Malik’s articles can disturb both his friends and peers. He knows more about Telcos than I ever want to know.

Posted: Wed - June 13, 2007 at 07:12 AM