Now, Sony has deliberately decided to offend the Church of England!

Church officials accused Sony of using without permission the historic interior of Manchester Cathedral.

Church officials accused the Japanese entertainment and electronics giant of using without permission the historic interior of Manchester Cathedral as the backdrop for the new PlayStation 3 war game “Resistance: Fall of Man”.

“It is well known that Manchester has a gun crime problem,” the Right Reverend Nigel McCulloch, the Bishop of Manchester, told BBC television on Saturday.

“For a global manufacturer to re-create one of our great cathedrals with photo-realistic quality and then encourage people to have gun battles in the building is beyond belief and highly irresponsible.

In a statement aired on BBC television, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe said it “is aware of the concerns expressed by the Bishop of Manchester and we naturally take the concerns very seriously.”

You have to wonder if someone inside Sony figured that competitive sales depend on affronting a significant portion of the target population.

Not that anything more than a declining minority of Brits seriously attend the C of E. But, it’s like keeping the Royals around for festive occasions. It’s part of their history. Keep it tidy and don’t crap in the pews.

Posted: Sun - June 10, 2007 at 06:14 AM