Russia ready to halt global warming

Russian scientists have found a way to halt global warming of the Earth.

Russian scientists have found a way to prevent global warming of the Earth, the director of the Global Climate and Ecology Institute said Wednesday. Russian Academy of Sciences Academic Yury Izrael told a news conference that the method envisions air spraying of a sulfur-containing aerosol in lower stratosphere layers at a height of 10-14 kilometers (six to 10 miles). Sulfur drops would then reflect solar radiation.According to scientists, one million tons of aerosol sprayed above the planet would make possible a reduction of solar radiation by 0.5-1%, and a reduction of air temperature by 1-1.5 degrees Celsius.

Izrael said the method demands more detailed development, and that a relevant decision on the international level should be made for it to come into force.

He also said the Russian scientists’ method will make the fight against warming faster and cheaper. “It is also good that it can be stopped at any moment,” Izrael said.

Maybe this loses something in the translation?

Posted: Sat - June 2, 2007 at 06:34 AM