Wii needs more games

By the end of the 2008, the Wii will be the best-selling console, besting the PS3 and Microsoft Xbox 360, which got a one-year head start.

Since its release six months ago, the surprisingly popular Nintendo Wii has touched off a scramble in the video-game software industry as developers and publishers have rushed to cash in on the lucrative opportunities generated by the innovative console.

“We expected the Wii to be a success, but we were still a little surprised,” said Yves Guillemot, chief executive of Ubisoft. “We saw what Nintendo was creating was new accessibility. With this machine, you can really open up the market to a lot more gamers.”

With ambitious plans to be the No. 1 game developer for the Wii, EA is throwing more money and staffing behind new Wii games, including three exclusive titles for the platform. The company also bought Headgate Studios in Salt Lake City in December to develop Wii games.

Lots of detailed research in the article. Click through to arm yourself for discussion.

Research firm IDC is forecasting that by the end of the 2008, the Wii will be the best-selling console, besting the PS3 and Microsoft Xbox 360, which got a one-year head start.

Although I’m not a gamer, my subjective response to the three platforms is pretty much in line with the marketplace. The DS Lite is the only gamer present I buy for the wee ‘uns in my extended family.

Posted: Fri - May 18, 2007 at 08:43 AM