Are You A High Tech “Omnivore”?

Adults do not seem to be intimidated by the volume of information available or the means to access it.

The Pew Internet and American Life Project found that adult Americans are broadly divided into three groups: 31 percent are rabid users of technology, 20 percent are moderate users, and the remainder demonstrate little or no usage of the Internet or cell phones.

But overall, adults do not seem to be intimidated by the volume of information available or the means to access it. When asked if they felt overloaded, 27% of all respondents said they did, but 67% said they like having so much information available.

The “Elite Tech Users,” representing 31% of adults surveyed, have the most information technology tools, use the Internet and cell phones heavily and frequently, and (to varying degrees) are engaged with user-generated content. This group is almost evenly split into four smaller groups:

“Omnivores,” who fully embrace technology and express themselves creatively through blogs and personal Web pages;

“Connectors,” who see the Internet and cell phones as communications tools;

“Productivity enhancers,” who consider technology as largely ways to better keep up with their jobs and daily lives; and

“Lackluster veterans,” those who use technology frequently but aren’t thrilled by it.

Lots of detail - more categories - in the article. Gee, I wonder where our readers fit in?

Posted: Wed - May 9, 2007 at 07:25 AM