The next iPod update I never want to see…erm, hear!

A proposed deal between Apple and digital media company Gracenote could soon see the iPod maker serve up song lyrics through its ubiquitous iTunes Store.

A proposed deal between Apple and digital media company Gracenote could soon see the iPod maker serve up song lyrics through its ubiquitous iTunes Store.

Gracenote and Yahoo! kicked-off the effort earlier this week in announcing a licensing deal allowing Yahoo! Music to offer legal, licensed song lyrics from hundreds of thousands of songs to its customers. Some feature artists include U2, Elvis and The Beatles.

In speaking to Reuters, Palmer revealed his firm is in discussions with various other music partners, such as Apple’s iTunes. “We wouldn’t be in the business to launch just one service, so stay tuned,” he said.

A deal between Gracenote and Apple would almost certainly pave the way for lyric downloads to digital music players, allowing iPod users to sing along to their favorite tunes.


Posted: Thu - April 26, 2007 at 09:56 AM