Cellphone myths — and facts

What if you could tap a special code into your cellphone to unlock a reserve of battery power for those desperate moments when you need to make just one more call before your phone dies?

What if you could tap a special code into your cellphone to unlock a reserve of battery power for those desperate moments when you need to make just one more call before your phone dies?

Total nonsense,” said Richard Windsor, an analyst with Nomura in London, who specializes in cellphones and cellphone equipment.

There is the one that says that if you lock your keys in the car and you have a remote keyless entry system, you can unlock the car by having somebody beep your spare remote over a cellphone if you hold the phone near the car door.

There are a host of functions that are explained in user manuals, which could be useful but are either too confusing or too time-consuming to learn for most people.

“The manuals for mobile phones tend to be very comprehensive, even though they are fairly incomprehensible,” said Windsor, the Nomura analyst. “Many phones can do e-mail, for example, but most people don’t bother because it’s too complicated to set up.

What features are worth having on a cell phone? Which ones aren’t?

Posted: Fri - April 13, 2007 at 08:44 AM