Microsoft decides to change their tune (har, har) on DRM!

Following digital music pioneer Apple Inc.’s lead yet again, Microsoft Corp. said this week it will soon sell digital music online without digital rights management (DRM) protection.

Great minds think alike

Following digital music pioneer Apple Inc.’s lead yet again, Microsoft Corp. said this week it will soon sell digital music online without digital rights management (DRM) protection.

Microsoft’s apparent change of heart on selling DRM-free music came in response to Apple’s deal earlier in the week to sell unprotected content from recording company EMI Group PLC. The company previously claimed that DRM was necessary for current and emerging digital media business models.

In February, Apple CEO and founder Steve Jobs stirred up controversy when he called for the end to DRM in an open letter to the industry… At the time, Microsoft responded harshly to Jobs’ statement — a Zune spokesman called it naive and irresponsible — but now the company seems to have literally changed its tune.

“You can’t always get what you want
“You can’t always get what you want
“You can’t always get what you want
“But if you try sometimes well you just might find
“You get what you need
“Oh baby, yeah, yeah!”

Posted: Sat - April 7, 2007 at 07:59 AM