New record for souped-up train

A French high-speed train (TGV) has smashed the world record for a train on rails by a big margin, reaching 574.8km/h (356mph).

A French high-speed train (TGV) has smashed the world record for a train on rails by a big margin, reaching 574.8km/h (356mph).

The previous TGV record was 515km/h (320mph), set in 1990.

The event was broadcast live on French TV.

French TGV trains, in service since 1981, generally travel at about 300km/h. But from 10 June they will be allowed to reach 320km/h on the recently opened Paris-Strasbourg LGV Est line.

Try going fast on American train tracks? Try it with a trainload of fertilizer and lethal chemicals going through a trailer park in Mississippi. They fall off at 60 mph (97km/h).

Posted: Tue - April 3, 2007 at 11:34 AM