Apple TV: not really a review

It’s easy. Out of the box, hooked up to cables I had at hand, used my existing 80211.g WLAN.

It’s easy. Out of the box, hooked up to cables I had at hand, used my existing 80211.g WLAN.

Last week’s Cranky Geeks

Most of what’s in the can for IPTV is still 4:3, 480i or 480p. Since the US passed the 50% mark, last December for 16:9 HDTV sets, the smart producers will upgrade their product.

The new Apple TV video podcasts segment within the iTunes store is expanding as rapidly as they did with audio podcasts.

I used my oldest camera for these snaps, this morning. Yeah, I forgot to charge the batteries in my regular critter. And I haven’t fiddled with the images to bring them up to what I actually have on the screen. The set is a 46” Samsung DLP.

An old episode of MacBreak

I’m not a hobbyist - I’m a consumer. I won’t especially be trying to hack the critter, hardware or software. As quick experiments, I converted a couple of ancient pre-release Animatrix files to .m4v - and also a short .dvx file leftover from a webcam video email. Played just fine.

I’m don’t own an iPod - or an XBox or Wii or any other system to fiddle with. I’m just a media consumer who’s discovered IPTV. I wanted the easiest, least expensive means of getting IPTV to my living room HDTV. Got it!

Posted: Mon - April 2, 2007 at 09:16 AM