Laptops ready to outsell desktops

Laptops will overtake desktop PCs as the dominant form of computer in 2011, according to a report by analysts IDC.

Hey, it’s only 18+ lbs and a few bucks more!

Laptops will overtake desktop PCs as the dominant form of computer in 2011, according to a report by analysts IDC. The demand for bulky machines will continue to slowly grow but at a declining rate as portable machines become quicker and more efficient.

The report predicts the laptop market will grow by 16.1% year-on-year until 2011, compared to 3.8% for desktop PCs.

There will also be a short burst of desktop shipments over the next year as Microsoft rolls out Vista, it predicts.

In Steve Ballmer’s dreams.

More than 82 million portable computers and nearly 140 million desktop PCs were shipped around the world in 2006, according to the report.

Compared to the previous year, the numbers of laptops shipped rose by 26.3% compared to less than 2% for desktop PCs.

The gradual shift away from fixed machines may reflect the needs of an increasingly mobile workforce and the ubiquity of wireless networks.

This is only personal opinion; but, sooner or later the balance point will be governed by real portability vs. screen size. When I traveled a lot for business, I took a laptop; but, it was as light as possible.

In my office, I want as big a display as is practical. Right now, that’s a 16×10 20-incher. A little bigger wouldn’t be turned away. I’d hate to carry around a laptop with that size screen attached.

[with a special nudge, nudge, wink, wink, for Lucas and Steve]

Posted: Wed - March 21, 2007 at 10:32 AM