Top 10 Materials Moments in science and engineering history

Self explanatory title, if there ever was one.

Yeah, yeah. I know some of you will think I should save this for the weekend — when the truly dedicated fans log in from home. But, these are achievements that have affected all our lives whether or not we reflect about them. Here’s the list in order of importance. Click the link for a little more detail:

No. 1 - The Periodic Table of Elements in 1864.

No. 2 - Fe Smelting Around 3500 B.C..

No. 3 - Transistor In 1948.

No. 4 - Invention of Glass Approximately 2200 B.C..

No. 5 - Optical Microscopy In 1668.

No. 6 - Modern Concrete In 1755.

No. 7 - Crucible Steel Making Around 300 B.C..

No. 8 - Cu Extraction and Casting Approximately 5000 B.C..

No. 9 - X-ray Diffraction In 1912.

No. 10 - Bessemer Process In 1856.

Feel free to add your own suggestions.

Posted: Fri - March 9, 2007 at 12:03 PM