Microsoft antivirus package - finishes dead last

Microsoft’s Windows Live OneCare came in dead last out of a group of 17 antivirus programs tested against hundreds of thousands of worms, viruses, Trojan horses and other malware.

M$oft says this is the “pit crew for your PC”

Microsoft’s Windows Live OneCare came in dead last out of a group of 17 antivirus programs tested against hundreds of thousands of worms, viruses, Trojan horses and other malware, an Austrian antivirus researcher reported.

Top dog, according to Cleminti’s tests, was G Data Security’s AntiVirusKit (AVK), which nailed 99.5 percent of the malicious code.

Holding the bottom spot was Microsoft’s Windows Live OneCare, the consumer security suite that the Redmond, Wash. developer launched last year. OneCare took care of just 82.4 percent of the malware.

“We are looking closely at the methodology and results of the test to ensure that Windows Live OneCare performs better in future tests,” a Microsoft spokesperson said.

But, hey - they’re only up to V.1.5…

Posted: Mon - March 5, 2007 at 06:51 AM