Customers ask for Linux PC’s and notebooks: Dell says, OK - again

After collecting some 1,800 new product and service ideas from IT users and customers using an online “suggestion box”, Dell has announced that it’s taking the user suggestions seriously and will soon debut and sell a new line of certified, user-ready Linux-loaded desktop and laptop computers.

After collecting some 1,800 new product and service ideas from IT users and customers using an online “suggestion box”, Dell has announced that it’s taking the user suggestions seriously and will soon debut and sell a new line of certified, user-ready Linux-loaded desktop and laptop computers.

Just a week after debuting the IdeaStorm site, the company said that the Linux-loaded desktops and laptops will be the first user-generated suggestions that it will follow.

And while earlier Linux-based machines didn’t exactly set the company’s sales charts on fire, several IT analysts and Linux luminaries said conditions are better for Dell to try again.

Running Linux on Dell laptops could have another lure, Eric Raymond wrote. “I think one significant problem Dell and Microsoft are facing is just that Vista is too resource-hungry and bloated to run well on sub-$500 machines, which are the highest-volume market segment now. Dell may be arranging itself some manoeuvring room to preinstall an [operating system] that won’t make its low-end hardware look like crap.”

They’re starting off by pre-certifying for Novell; but, other distros will be offered as choices, too. Or so they say.

Posted: Tue - February 27, 2007 at 09:42 AM