Stenting Improves Thinking. Now, who should we try it on?

A year after patients underwent controversial treatment to improve blood flow to the brain, their cognitive function continues to improve, researchers said Wednesday.

A year after patients underwent controversial treatment to improve blood flow to the brain, their cognitive function continues to improve, researchers said Wednesday.

“When we first did these studies, we were hoping that we would not adversely affect our patients’ mental functioning,” Rodney Raabe, director of radiology at Sacred Heart Medical Center in Spokane, Wash., told United Press International. “That’s why we included a battery of psychological and cognitive tests along with the procedure.”

“We were concerned that the procedure would cause damage in patients who had no problems,” he said. “Not only did we not cause any damage that can be found, in most cases the patients improved substantially.”

Certainly, a multi-center trial to test the theory that carotid artery stenting improves function should follow. A pleasant surprise, indeed.

Posted: Sat - February 3, 2007 at 02:46 PM