Zune incompatible with Windows Vista

Apparently, Microsoft has been so focused on getting Zune out the door in time for the mad holiday rush that it hasn't gotten around to supporting the player under its next-generation operating system.

Apparently, Microsoft has been so focused on getting Zune out the door in time for the mad holiday rush that it hasn't gotten around to supporting the player under its next-generation operating system.

Though seemingly implausible, the screenshot tells the story (while raising some questions at the same time).

"This operating system is currently not supported by Zune," reads an error message when trying to install Zune software on the latest versions of Microsoft's own Windows Vista operating system.

In an official Zune support document, Microsoft, which will begin selling Vista to business customers in two weeks, confirms that the system "is not supported at this time."

And for those wondering, the splash screen of three women in distress isn't our contributor's stab at a knee-slapper. It's the official installer backdrop chosen by the Redmond, Wash. folks to appear for each and every customer who installs a Zune.


Posted: Wed - November 15, 2006 at 07:56 AM