Windows and Linux compatible. Peace on Earth, good will to geeks!

Microsoft Corp. surprised the tech world Thursday, unveiling a plan to make Windows compatible with a version of the Linux operating system, a major rival of the technology giant’s software.

Microsoft Corp. surprised the tech world Thursday, unveiling a plan to make Windows compatible with a version of the Linux operating system, a major rival of the technology giant’s software.

Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said the Redmond, Wash., company has signed a deal with Novell Inc. in which the two companies will help market both Windows and Suse Linux, a popular version of the open-source operating system backed by Novell.

The deal represents a bold shift in strategy for Microsoft, which became a tech behemoth by selling shrink-wrapped, proprietary software, but which is now struggling to compete with rivals offering free software and charging only for technical support.

The plan also highlights the rapid growth of Linux, which is available free, and is constantly being improved and modified by software developers in what is commonly referred to as an open-source system.

Microsoft’s move comes a week after Redwood City’s Oracle Corp. unveiled its plan to sell support services to Linux users, a move aimed at winning customers from Red Hat, which offers such services to companies using Linux.

The two companies denied that the deal was signed in reaction to the Oracle plan.

Lots of dancing around the Maypole — and maybe dancing around the truth. Surely, there will be more sage commentary as this tale unfolds. Interesting stuff.

Posted: Fri - November 3, 2006 at 06:04 AM