Intel offers $1 Million for sexiest PC

Intel is offering $1million in prizes to designers and manufacturers who can come up with sexier alternatives to the “big, beige box”.

Intel is offering $1million in prizes to designers and manufacturers who can come up with sexier alternatives to the “big, beige box”.

The Intel Core Processor Challenge is looking for smaller, more stylish multimedia PCs. The only condition is that entries must be powered by Intel Viiv technology, using the chip giant’s Core 2 Duo processors. Beyond that, Intel urges potential applicants to “think outside the box”.

The competition is open to PC designers and manufacturers worldwide and each company may submit up to five different designs.The grand prize winner will receive $300,000 to enable the mass production of the system and $400,000 to co-market the design with Intel. The runner-up will receive up to $300,000 to help with manufacturing costs.

What do they really mean by “sexy”?

Posted: Sat - September 30, 2006 at 11:41 AM