Dutch government developing personal web sites for every citizen

If trials succeed, everyone will be given a personal web page where they can find information about their tax or benefits. Initial trials for the pages were started earlier this year by the Ministry for Administrative Renewal.

If trials succeed, everyone will be given a personal web page where they can find information about their tax or benefits. Initial trials for the pages were started earlier this year by the Ministry for Administrative Renewal.

Information about child benefits, permits and other government information could also be included on the pages. Citizens will be able to see what personal information is available to government agencies, and to fill in forms online, such as tax forms. A personal archive of tax returns and benefits applications can also be electronically stored.

The ministry stressed that the personal Internet page should become a “transaction portal” where citizens can arrange all sorts of matters. All government services should be available.

I’ve seen the concept work well on a small scale. I have no idea of the Netherlands government’s track record for computer security. This could turn out to be a real disaster.

Posted: Wed - September 13, 2006 at 06:54 AM