MacBook Wi-Fi hack admitted to be fraud

A claimed security hole in Apple’s MacBook has been exposed as a misrepresentation.

A claimed security hole in Apple’s MacBook has been exposed as a misrepresentation.

Earlier this month, a researcher at SecureWorks said he had revealed a vulnerability in the laptop’s wireless software driver that would allow him to take control of the machine. There was a vulnerability but it was exploited by using a third-party wireless driver rather than the one that ships with the MacBook.

SecureWorks’ website has been updated since the demonstration to reflect that fact a third-party driver had been used in the demonstration: “Although an Apple MacBook was used as the demo platform, it was exploited through a third-party wireless device driver - not the original wireless device driver that ships with the MacBook. As part of a responsible disclosure policy, we are not disclosing the name of the third-party wireless device driver until a patch is available.”

“Responsible policies” means you don’t claim phony vulnerabilities — and risk your company’s reputation because you don’t like Apple commercials.

Posted: Sat - August 19, 2006 at 10:26 AM