Scientists Learn that Cranky Old Farts are the smart ones!

An ability to be open to new situations may predict intelligence earlier in life, says a new study, but disagreeableness may predict intelligence later in life.

"Hey, you kids -- get off my lawn!"

An ability to be open to new situations may predict intelligence earlier in life, says a new study, but disagreeableness may predict intelligence later in life. According to the findings, differences in personality predictors of intelligence were found between young adults, and those who retain a normal level of overall cognitive ability in old age and those older adults who are cognitively superior.

In the cognitively superior older group, who outperformed both the cognitively comparable older adults and the younger adults on every ability tested, “agreeableness was found to have a contrary relationship with general knowledge suggesting that a disagreeable nature may go hand in hand with better vocabulary and knowledge retention in older age,” said Baker. This result supports previous research that suggests that those who are highly intelligent may be more aloof and independent.

If you don’t agree you can take it and stick it where the sun don’t shine!

Posted: Fri - August 11, 2006 at 10:16 AM