VMware joins the virtualization software giveaway

VMware has officially joined the great virtualization software giveaway. Now, you can run OS X on your Windows PC. You won't have to wait for the Vista lookalike from Microsoft. Phew!

VMware has officially joined the great virtualization software giveaway. The company this week peeled the “beta” label off VMware Server and put the fully cooked version of the product up for download.

Customers have been able to download the beta version of VMware Server for the last five months. During that period, VMware recorded 700,000 downloads of its software that lets customers run multiple copies of Linux, Windows, Solaris and NetWare on the same server. VMware - an EMC subsidiary - is the clear leader in the server virtualization market and made the decision to ship a free version of its product after rivals Microsoft and XenSource tried the same tactic to gain share on VMware.

You can check out the software here.

Now, you can run OS X on your Windows PC. You won’t have to wait for the Vista lookalike from Microsoft. Phew!

Posted: Mon - July 17, 2006 at 07:33 AM