Dude, you’re getting Skype with your Dell.

The popular Internet phone-calling software will come pre-installed on two of Dell’s newest laptop computers, the companies announced Wednesday.

Already on sale in Japan

Dude, you’re getting Skype with your Dell.

The popular Internet phone-calling software will come pre-installed on two of Dell’s newest laptop computers, the companies announced Wednesday.

The more Skype can simplify getting people introduced to its program, “the better it’ll be for themselves and their parent company,'’ said Gartner analyst Lydia Leong. “For Dell, it opens up the possibility that they might want to embed Skype support in other applications. Perhaps like Dell technical support calls over Skype.'’

Last week, Google confirmed that it would bundle some of its software, such as the Google Toolbar, on Dell computers as well. Pre-loaded software keeps a person from taking the added step of downloading a program from the Web, an advantage Google was rumored to be willing to pay $1 billion for.

Dell chose Skype to be pre-installed on its new mobile computers because it boasts 100 million subscribers, making it “extremely attractive,'’ said Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden. “For the No. 1 supplier of notebooks to team up with a leading Internet communication company like Skype, it’s really a good relationship for both.'’

Both new Dell computers will come equipped with Bluetooth technology, which will allow people to have voice conversations wirelessly, whether over a cellular or Internet connection, as long as they’re close to their computers. Both computers also come with built-in Web cameras that will work with Skype’s video conferencing feature, Camden said.

Skype Rules!

Posted: Thu - June 1, 2006 at 06:23 AM