Minister’s microphone causes a wee splash at church

A minister had his congregation squirming with embarrassment when he used the toilet during a service and forgot to switch off his clip-on radio microphone.

A minister had his congregation squirming with embarrassment when he used the toilet during a service and forgot to switch off his clip-on radio microphone.

The Rev John Hawdon was standing in for Elizabeth Kay at Longforgan Parish Church in Perthshire.

But when nature called during a break in proceedings, he forgot to switch off his microphone, which broadcast his every splash and sigh to the congregation.

A parishioner said: “It was mortifying. Every sound boomed and echoed around the church. We all sat there looking at each other, totally embarrassed. One or two folk managed a wee giggle.”

“There were a few raised eyebrows and it has been the talk of the village.”

She added: “Mr Hawdon certainly made a splash.”

Would this be called “wee-fi”?

Posted: Wed - May 24, 2006 at 06:13 AM