Russian bombers flew undetected across Arctic

Russian military planes flew undetected through the U.S. zone of the Arctic Ocean to Canada during recent military exercises...

Russian military planes flew undetected through the U.S. zone of the Arctic Ocean to Canada during recent military exercises, a senior Air Force commander said Saturday.

The commander of the country’s long-range strategic bombers, Lieutenant General Igor Khvorov, said the U.S. Air Force is now investigating why its military was unable to detect the Russian bombers.

“They were unable to detect the planes either with radars or visually,” he said.

Khorov said that during the military exercises in April, Tu-160 Blackjack bombers and Tu-95 Bears had successfully carried out four missile launches. Bombing exercises were held using Tu-22 Blinders.

Homeland Insecurity wins again! At posting time, I couldn’t find any mention of this in the US press.

I wonder if anyone will ask Rummie about it at his next [bullshit-oops!] press conference?

Posted: Mon - April 24, 2006 at 08:48 AM