Open Source project adds Linux to Boot Camp

It ain't easy; but, if hackers are now doing it -- it's likely Apple will fiddle with it, too.

The open-source project that first came up with a way to dual-boot an Intel-based Mac into either Mac OS X or Windows XP has published instructions on how to add Linux to the mix.

“Triple Boot,” as the Web site calls it, relies on the newly-released Boot Camp, Apple Computer Inc.’s dual-boot utility that created a major stir when it debuted two weeks ago. The process is involved and not for the technically faint-of-heart, as it “chainloads” Linux from an already-installed copy of Windows XP using the “LILO” bootloader.

The instructions on how to triple-boot an Intel Mac can be read on the site. The process has been tested on a MacBook Pro, Apple’s Intel-based portable, but not on the Mac mini or iMac models.

Rock on! And for folks using PowerPC-based Macs, there’s always Yellow Dog Linux.

Posted: Thu - April 20, 2006 at 06:36 AM