Half Of Corporate PCs Can't Run Vista

If you want to get Windows Vista when it comes out, you probably should be thinking about new hardware, according to Gartner Research.

About half of corporate PCs are not equipped to run all the features of Windows Vista, and companies should plan to gradually deploy the upcoming operating system through new computers, rather than take the more expensive alternative of buying new hardware for older machines, a research firm said Monday.

Desktops or notebooks with less than 50 percent of their useful life left when Microsoft Corp. ships Vista, expected in January, should not be upgraded, since the cost would exceed replacing it with a new Vista-enabled machine at the end of the older computer’s life cycle, Gartner Inc. said.

“Based on what we have seen so far, we believe that, for most large organizations, it will not be possible to fully justify the cost of a full forklift migration of all PCs,” Gartner said in its research note. “This is partially because of the cost of most companies’ manual migration process.”

Isn’t this going to be special?

Posted: Thu - April 13, 2006 at 06:56 AM