Rise of the machines: the sequel

Yes, just like the Animatrix -- Korean government proposes "A Robot in Every Home"

South Korea, the world’s most wired country, is rushing to turn what sounds like science fiction into everyday life. The Government, which has succeeded in getting broadband internet into 72 per cent of all households in the past five years, has marshalled an army of scientists and business leaders to make robots full members of society.

By next year, networked robots that relay messages to parents, teach children English and sing and dance for them when they get bored are scheduled to enter mass production. Outside the home they are expected to guide customers at post offices, or patrol public areas, searching for intruders and transmitting images to monitoring centres.

If all goes according to plan, robots will be in every South Korean household between 2015 and 2020. That is the prediction, at least, of the Ministry of Information and Communication, which has grouped more than 30 companies, as well as 1000 scientists from universities and research institutes, under its wing. Some scientists want to move even faster.

Rock on!

Posted: Mon - April 3, 2006 at 06:43 AM