Flash drive large enough to replace hard drive

Samsung unveils laptop with 32gb NAND flash drive

The 32-gigabyte NAND flash-based solid state disk (SSD) can upload and download data quickly and quietly as it uses instantly-accessible static NAND flash memory instead of the rotating discs found in hard drives.

SSD weighs only half as much as a hard drive, reads data three times faster and writes data 1.5 times quicker, it said. It consumes a mere five percent of the electricity needed to power a hard disk drive and operates silently as it requires no motor or any other noise-making parts.

Samsung unveiled a landmark laptop installed with SSD at its annual Mobile Solution Forum that took place in Taipei on Tuesday, the company said.

It marked the first time that NAND flash chips, which are usually used in small devices such as digital cameras and MP3 players, have been applied to a mobile computer, it added.

Bigger is always better. Right?

Posted: Wed - March 22, 2006 at 07:27 AM