iPod Boosts Prime Time Ratings

'The Office' Scores Demo High Following Top Download Ranking on iTunes

NBC’s “The Office” delivered a 5.1-its highest ratings ever-last Thursday among adults 18 to 49, a bump the network credits in large part to the show’s popularity as an iPod download.

In fact, the series is NBC’s top-performing video podcast available on Apple’s iTunes, where it has been available since Dec. 6.

Such a connection between podcast success and broadcast ratings success is particularly significant because the NBC data is among the first available evidence of what network executives have been gambling on when striking their new media deals-that the new video platforms are additive because they provide more entry points into a show for consumers.

Frankly, this never occurred to me. I wonder if Apple figured it out in advance and used it as a selling point to NBC honchos — or vice-versa?

My wife has the only iPod in the family and she uses it for audiobooks. So, we don’t contribute to these numbers. Although I welcome the expansion of convergence [Is this sentence grammatically logical?].

Posted: Thu - January 19, 2006 at 06:13 AM