Evolution takes Science honors

Research into how evolution works has been named top science achievement of 2005

The prestigious US journal Science publishes its top 10 list of major endeavours at the end of each year.

The number one spot was awarded jointly to several studies that illuminated the intricate workings of evolution.
The studies bestowed with the title "breakthrough of the year" by Science include the sequencing of the chimpanzee genome; recreation of the 1918 flu virus in a laboratory; and a study on European blackcap birds which demonstrated how two different populations can become two separate species.
The runner-up position in Science's list highlighted the advances made by robotic explorers in space, particularly the Huygens probe, which landed on Saturn's moon Titan on 14 January.

Wend your way through the complete list.

Although a certain amount of interference is usual -- from political parasites and the ignorant and superstitious -- knowledge progresses.

Posted: Fri - December 23, 2005 at 06:32 AM