IPTV not yet a killer app

Technology gaining ground fast -- especially in China

IPTV enjoyed subscriber growth of around 40 per cent in the first six months of 2005, with the total number of global paying web TV subscribers reaching 1.5m by the middle of the year, market watchers revealed today.
"Some key markets are stalled at the regulatory hurdle, there are infrastructure and kit supply issues in others and in all markets there will likely be battles against other well established suppliers of TV programming," said John Bosnell, senior analyst at Point Topic

Isn’t this a polite way of saying that consumers are getting screwed by the usual suspects?

Some key large markets like Korea and Germany have yet to start, Point Topic predicts. In others IPTV is in trial phase like China (up to 100,000), serving niche operators as in the USA (200,000) and the UK (24,000), or slowly building subscriber numbers in more accomodating and mature markets like France (270,000).

Shanghai Telecom launched a couple of days ago and expects 10,000 subscribers in the next 4 weeks -- and millions of subscribers in the next 6 months.

Posted: Thu - December 1, 2005 at 07:41 AM