The Worst Jobs in Science

Pain, Tedium, Danger, Disgust, Humiliation—It's all just part of the average workday for the (often proud, more often smelly) members of our third annual honor roll of the Worst Jobs in Science

Pain, Tedium, Danger, Disgust, Humiliation—It's all just part of the average workday for the (often proud, more often smelly) members of our third annual honor roll of the Worst Jobs in Science -- from Popular Science.

10. Orangutan-Pee Collector
Their work is noninvasive—for the apes, that is . . .

9. NASA Ballerina
Her dance partner is a supersensitive Robot

8. Do-Gooder
Bugs, bears, and a melting earth—you call this a vacation?

7. Semen Washer
It's a job that separates the boys from the men

6. Volcanologist
When the earth heats up, they head in

5. Nuclear-Weapons Scientist
They've mastered fusion. Next up: Filing

4. Extremophile Excavator
Never has success smelled less sweet

3. Kansas Biology Teacher
On the front lines of science's devolution

2. Manure Inspector
The smell is just the start of the nastiness

1. Human Lab Rat
Warning: Pesticides are bad for you

I have a buddy on this list. It doesn’t make him happy.

Thanks Khalil

Posted: Thu - November 3, 2005 at 10:22 AM