24-megabit broadband launched at £24 a month

A new broadband service offering a connection up to 24 times faster than other providers at less than double the price began a national rollout today [UK, folks. Not the US].

For £24 a month customers of broadband provider Be are being offered a download speed of up to 24 megabits, three times that available from closest rivals UK Online, Bulldog and Homechoice and 12 times that on offer from BT and Wannadoo.

The bandwidth offered by the new service will be enough to allow consumers to stream two high definition TV channels through their computer simultaneously, while they surf their internet or make voice calls.

The service will also allow customers to upload information onto the internet at a speed of up to 1.3 megabits - five times quicker than any other service on the market.

Boy, am I jealous! I pay the equivalent of £40 a month for 3.5 megabits max.

Customers would be provided with a "Be Box", a wireless router including two phone ports, and that the company planned to later offer voice over internet protocol (VoIP) which would allow people to make calls using their computers.

"Be is relatively pioneering when you consider people are still announcing one meg unlimited broadband and we are making available up to 24meg connections at only just over twice the price," he said.

"What we're trying to be competitive on is not necessarily the price, though, but the technology."

It’s heartwarming to see our competitive marketplace keeping the US in the forefront of technology. We’ll probably see the FCC and Congress offer up legislation making this illegal unless offered by our Telcos, first.

Posted: Mon - September 26, 2005 at 06:41 AM